About CI

CI concept

  • ·Red : it means passion.
  • ·Three branches extending to the left and right : they mean double fortune by symbolizing the number 3 which means good fortune.
  • ·Five white lines between the red lines : they mean the five oceans.
  • ·Six red lines : they mean the six continents.


Since the signature is the ideal combination of symbols and logotypes, you cannot use other combinations that shy away from the regulation. However, it can be selected according to the applied environment and media.

Color regulation

The exclusive colors for KMIN are used throughout the application system as well as the basic system. The basic colors are KMIN Red and KMIN Blue. However, if they are to be printed due to the nature of the applied media, they should be displayed according to the color ratios as below.


  • HTML : #e60012
  • CMYK : 0, 100, 90, 0
  • RGB : 230, 0, 18
  • PANTONE : 485 C


  • HTML : #003969
  • CMYK : 100, 87, 44, 8
  • RGB : 0, 57, 105
  • PANTONE : 654 C

Symbol mark regulation

The symbol mark is the key element for the corporate identity system of KMIN. It is also a representative symbol as the core of all communication that expresses the corporate image both inside and outside the company.